Does The Billionaire Die?

The Stranger's Incomplete Guide to Movies Where the Fictional Billionaire Gets What's Coming

The White Lotus
Snowpiercer (2013)
Ready or Not
You're Next
The Meg
The Menu
Succession, Season 4
Glass Onion
Ex Machina
Citizen Kane
There Will Be Blood
Sorry To Bother You
Gremlins 2
The Great Gatsby
Triangle of Sadness
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Jurassic Park
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Squid Game, Season 1
A Murder at the End of the World

Want to help build this list? Tell us about your favorite fictional billionaire deaths at

[Note from The Stranger Team: Most fictional characters don't say a character's net worth outright. So we asked a few questions: Is this character rich enough that they can't relate to regular people? They might be a billionaire. Do they wield their wealth as a weapon? They might be a billionaire. Do they see the working class as their playthings? They're probably a billionaire. Go with your gut.]